Board of Trustees Minutes

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, April 14, 2015


Edward Weiss                         MAYOR
Brian C. Vail                           TRUSTEE
Leonard Emma                      TRUSTEE
Rosie Connell                          TRUSTEE
Kathleen Baumann Schnoor   TRUSTEE                  
Cathy Donahue-Spier             CLERK/ TREASURER

Deputies, Commissioners, and Chairs present: J.Bates, L.Kogel, J.Weiss, J.Flannery, S.Walker, M.Abata, J.Buyar  and  various residents.

 Pledge of Allegiance
Mayor Weiss opened the Regular Meeting at 7:30 PM.   Mayor Weiss held a moment of silence for resident Yoko Ozaki who passed away on April 11, 2015.

Motion to approve minutes from January 13th and March 10th Board Meetings.
(Connell - Schnoor 5-0)

Neil Baggett reported on the events calendar of The Shoreham Village Association (TSVA) and discussed options for a shade for the upper level window behind stage.  Mary Lou Abata reported on the events calendar for the Green Infrastructure Committee (GIC) and requested permission for the 2nd Annual Parkland Clean-up on April 25, 2015. 
(Schnoor - Weiss 5-0)

Trustee Emma clarified that the newly minted Friends of the Parkland Committee is a committee appointed by the TSVA and is not a Village Board appointed Village.

Resident asked the Board how they were going to get the word out to the public about the bond and whether the public would vote on the issue.  Clerk Spier informed Mr. Reid that the notice of adoption of the bond resolution was posted and published after the last board meeting and that no petition had been submitted to the Village requesting a referendum within the 30-day period after the adoption of the resolution. 

Resident Reid also inquired about the bidding process for the road improvement contract.  Mayor Weiss responded that the process would follow Village and State law and the Village would solicit bids as widely as possible.


Resolution 1 of April 2015 – Appointing R. Kogel and M. Gurcia as elections inspectors for the general election to be held on June 16, 2015.
(Connell - Baumann 5-0)



2014030 - $ 7,698.44 (3/12 payroll & utilities)
2014031 - $ 5,710.82 (3/26 payroll & utilities)
2014032 - $ 4,216.80 (4/9 payroll & utilities)
2014033 - $ 15,175.48 (March bills)

TOTAL: $ 32,801.54

Additional Invoices:  S & S Landscaping $1,177.00; Steve Walker $140.
(Connell - Baumann 5-0)

Publish Notice of Estoppel
Clerk Spier reported that she published the March 10, 2015 bond resolution, which takes effect 30 days after its adoption.  Clerk Spier further reported that no petitions requesting a referendum were presented to the clerk’s office since the resolutions adoption.  Clerk Spier reported that she would be publishing a notice commencing a 20-day statute of limitation to challenge the bond on certain legal aspects.

Publish 2015/16 Tentative Tax Roll
Clerk Spier reported that the Village Assessor completed the tentative tax roll for the 2015-16 fiscal year and that she would be publishing notice of its completion and inspection hours.

Training Requirements
Clerk Spier reported that a 4 -hour annual training is required on for the members of the Planning and Zoning Boards and that all members have registered for a May 12th training that will satisfy the annual requirement.

Budget Workshop
Clerk Spier requested the scheduling of a budget workshop during April for the Board and Commissioners to meet with the deputy treasurer and herself to outline next year’s budget.  This budget would be announced at the May Board meeting and a budget hearing would be at the June Board meeting for adoption of the 2015-16 budget.  The workshop was scheduled for Saturday morning April 25, 2015 – exact time to be announced.

May 2, 2015 - LL Aliperti/Moreno Christening 50-60 guests 12:00pm - 7:00pm  $800
May 3, 2015 - UL Ozaki Memorial 100 guests 11:00am - 2:00pm  $600
The Board also approved a procedure for emergency rental request wherein the Steward would email the request to the Board directly with a copy to the Clerk for announcement at the subsequent Board meeting.

(Connell - Schnoor 5-0)



Ÿ  As related to communications:
Mayor Weiss stated that he would be writing a letter to LIPA seeking permission for the Village to do restorative work on the LIPA bridge.  Mayor Weiss and Trustee Vail will be attending a SCOVA reception this week honoring Town Supervisor Ed Romaine.  Mayor Weiss also stated that he was waiting to hear whether any grant money will be available from Senator LaValle’s office for stormwater management projects
Ÿ  As related to administration:
Mayor Weiss requested the ratification of Steven Losquadro as Village Prosecutor and the appointment of Thomas Spier as Deputy Village Prosecutor to terms, which both expire on 6/30/15.
(Schnoor – Connell 5-0)
Mayor Weiss also reported that he sent thank you letters to long-standing board members Lynn Morris and Richard Rohman after their resignations thanking them for their service to the Village.  Mayor Weiss reported that he will be reconfiguring the ZBA and will have named a new chairperson by the next board meeting.
Ÿ  As related to road maintenance:
Mayor Weiss reported the road vegetation will be rechecked along Village roads this spring.  The Board requested that Commissioner Kogel obtain quotes from vendors for street sweeping and drain cleaning in the Village.  The Board also indicated that they would like S & S Landscaping to check the drains every week and clear them of debris as a maintenance item.  The procedure will be to clean the drains of surface debris by S & S, then as soon as possible contract with a street sweeper to clear the roads edges of sand, and then clean out the storm drains that were not cleaned in the fall excepting those in the old Village which will be cleaned after the conclusion of the upcoming road work.
Ÿ  As related to roads project:
Mayor Weiss reported that the engineer’s report was reviewed by the Roads Committee and the GIC and that their findings were sent to the Road and Drainage Bid Process Committee.  Mayor Weiss requested a ratification of the Road and Drainage Bid Process Committee which consists of members: Larry Kogel as chairperson, Len Emma, Brian Vail, Steve Walker and Bob Steele (of LKMA) to a term as directed by the Board of Trustees.  The purpose of the committee is to oversee the bidding process and determine the scope of work of the road project.
(Schnoor – Emma 5-0)


Mayor Weiss indicated that he is in receipt of a letter sent by the Suffolk County Water Authority (SCWA) authorizing a $300,000 payment to the Village to compensate for damage caused to the Village roads during the SCWA’s water main replacement project in 2013.  Mayor Weiss has said he would send the letter to the Village Attorney for his review.  Trustee Baumann indicated that the audit is on schedule and that the prospectus will be put together in the next month or so and that she anticipates receiving the money for the road project this summer at an interest rate between 3.1 and 3.5 percent.  Mayor Weiss indicated that the road project plan will be presented to the Village residents during an upcoming Town (Village) Hall Meeting. 
Ÿ  As related to laws:
Mayor Weiss and Steve Walker will be meeting with the Village Attorney next week to go over the proposed Zoning law which he anticipates will be introduced at the May Board meeting and scheduled for passage at the June Board meeting.   Next will be steep slopes, laws related to building permits, design review, beach access of which a draft has been distributed to the Board of Trustees for review, vegetation maintenance, and parking on plots.
Ÿ  As related to contracts:
As mentioned above, the Village will be obtaining quotes from various vendors for street sweeping and drain cleaning.  Mayor Weiss reported that 2 sink holes have developed near drains in the Village, one on Thompson Street and the other on Upham Down.  Commissioner Kogel to contact Engineer Falasco to determine whether the storm drains were improperly installed and to repair condition as soon as is practicable. Additionally, a new special franchise agreement will be entered into with Cablevision in 2017.
Ÿ  As related to miscellaneous:
Clerk Spier reported that she has been in communication with PSEG about the telephone pole on the corner of Ashley Lane and Woodville Rd.  The Mayor reported that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) conducted an audit of the Village’s storm water drains and management last month.  The Village provided the EPA with its Stormwater Plans and Policies and an inspections was made of the storm drains and sumps in the Village.  The EPA was positively disposed towards the Village’s stormwater management system, but noted some issues with the sumps on Circle Dr. and Woodville Rd.  Trustee Emma reported that there was an encroachment onto Village property by a neighboring resident which has compromised the fencing around the Overhill Rd. sump.  He also reported that the Village will be reaching out the Town regarding the portion of the sump on its property and the work required to be done on that portion of the Circle north sump owned by the Town.  Mayor Weiss outlined the procedure for adopting a budget for next year, starting with the budget workshop on April 25th and culminating with the budget hearing at the June Board meeting.  The Mayor also reported that Grievance Day is on April 21, 2015 and that the Board of Assessors will review and rule on the Village Assessors recommendations on the grievance at the May Board meeting.  Mayor Weiss also requested that S & S remove the cut down locust tree from Village property.
Ÿ  As related to policies:
Mayor reported that the procurement policy and that the police on Village Hall rentals will be reviewed, and that a policy will be developed on storm preparations.


Ÿ Building -  Commissioner Scrimenti reported that this summer he would like to wrap the columns in the Village Hall so that they would stop rusting and needing to be repainted.  He estimated that this project would cost about $2,500.  Commissioner Scrimenti would also like to paint the railings on the Village Hall deck this summer.  Commissioner Scrimenti reported that he intended to install 8 surveillance cameras with the money from the justice court grant.  4 cameras would be outside on the upper level of the building and 4 cameras would be on the outside at the lower level of the building.  A 16- channel DVR monitor would be purchased for the code officer’s office and the surveillance cameras would feed into it and also be able to be viewed remotely from various Village official’s home computers.  One camera would be placed inside in the lower level pointed to the clerk’s office door.  This project would cost $4,985 and leave the option of adding more cameras later as funds became available.  The Board voted to approve the installation of the security cameras.
(Weiss – Schnoor 5-0)
Commissioner Scrimenti also requested that the Board approve the use of the Village Hall for Open House on the following dates:  Sunday from April 26th – November 15th; Friday Nights from May 29th – September 11th, and; Wednesday Nights from June 17th – September 2nd.  Shoreham Country Club Treasurer Bates indicated that the SCC will no longer be purchasing cakes for Wednesday and Friday Nights, but will continue purchasing bagels for Sunday mornings.  Commissioner Scrimenti also requested to use the Village Hall for Cigar Night on the Village Hall deck from 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm on the 3rd Thursday of the month, June 18, July 16, and August 20.
(Vail – Schnoor 5-0 open house; Vail – Schnoor 4-1[Connell] on cigar night)
Ÿ Building Permits – Commissioner Walker reported that the Design Review Board met on the 5 Arbor Rd. project and that a permit was issued for renovations to that residence.

No old business.

No new business.

No public comment.

Motion to adjourn 9:20 PM.
(Weiss - Vail 5-0)

Submitted, Cathy Donahue Spier, Village Clerk